As you may be aware, the County Association is in dire straits at the moment, with ever dwindling interest in the County Cups and the County Teams, no County Congress, a totally dysfunctional website and a General Secretary who doesn't appear to believe in communicating with anybody. There is a meeting at Stafford Chess Club tomorrow evening, Tuesday 30th May, to discuss it's future - if, indeed, it even has a future. If anybody wants to throw in their two penn'orth then you are very welcome to attend - start time is 7:30. Failing that I'll publish a report on the evening's proceedings here on Wednesday.
Welcome to the website of the North Staffs & District Chess Association. The purpose of this site is to provide news, views and information on chess in North Staffordshire and beyond. Please use the tabs below to navigate the website.
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- Staffordshire Chess Congress 2025