Welcome to the website of the North Staffs & District Chess Association. The purpose of this site is to provide news, views and information on chess in North Staffordshire and beyond. Please use the tabs below to navigate the website.
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Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Tied Player List
Please note that it is NOT acceptable to enter New Player as a name on match score cards. All players MUST be on the Tied Players list before playing in a match. In previous years this meant submitting a list of your players to the League Secretary. Since the adoption of LMS it now just means reviewing your list of players on the system and notifying me of any changes/deletions/additions. In addition to this, if you have a new member with no previous ECF grading history you MUST obtain an estimated grade from Martyn Harris before they take part in a match. If any match score cards are submitted with New Player on it then I will treat that board as an ineligible player and apply the relevant penalty.