The AGM was very well supported on Monday evening, with 25 people in attendance.
Although the Meeting ran on for some time there is very little to report as much of the evening was spent discussing proposed changes to the fundamental structure of the league - all of which were rejected.
Proposals that were overwhelmingly accepted were :
League Playing Rules - Article 4 Rule 7
Complete Rule replaced as follows :
'Both Clubs are responsible for entering or verifying match results on the League Management System within 48 hours of the match taking place.'
League Playing Rules - Article 6
New sentence added at the end of the existing Rule as follows :
'Second or subsequent postponements of any matches are not permitted, except in exceptional circumstances, and with the express permission of the League General Secretary.'
With the exception of Roger Edwards, the Honorary President, all Officers/Officials were re-elected unopposed. Roger is standing down as his 3 year term of office comes to an end. John Day of Newcastle was unanimously nominated as our new Honorary President.
However, the Grading Officer will only be responsible for the allocation/adjustment of new/estimated grades. The generation of the Grading File for submission to the ECF will be handled by the League Management System, as it was this season.
It was agreed that we investigate the possibility of using the League Management System to automatically generate fixtures this season. However, Martyn Harris has agreed to act as a 'back stop' if this proves to be impractical due to conflicts with the Stockport, Wolverhampton and Wirral Leagues, in which NSDCA clubs compete.
If anything else of note happened during the course of the evening then I was probably asleep !!
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