Saturday 18 May 2013

Staffs U120 Match Score Card

The full match score card from Saturday afternoon's U120 County Championship Quarter Final match against Hertfordshire is now in. You can click here to view it and, as you will see, NSDCA players contributed 4 of the 6.5 points. Team Captain Peter Evans has also submitted the match report below :

Quarter Final Recovery

An extraordinary turnaround was seen in the County U120 quarter final when Staffordshire played Hertfordshire on Saturday.

Staffordshire quickly fell 4 - 0 behind due to a mixture of good play and the occasional blunder.

However,  the match slowly began to turn. Simon Jones put Staffs first points on the board with a draw on board ten and Jacob Cartlidge scored Staffordshire’s first full point on board 9 with a winning rook and pawn endgame.

Nic Wright then played a fine combination attack to win on board three and this was followed by George Scattergood going two pieces up, forcing the Hertfordshire board six to resign.

John Fenby drew on board two after defending a difficult position well and the match was equalised by Steve Emmerton winning on the top board. Steve had won his opponent’s queen for the loss of a rook; however the position was still difficult and after patient play Steve was able to create space to create a winning queen attack.

All was level and there were just two games left. Bob Brodie was a late replacement on board 5 and he justified his selection with his accurate defence to draw the game.

Danny Torbica on board ten was last to finish when he was able to checkmate his opponent, giving Staffordshire a win by 6½ to 5½. We look forward to June’s semi-final.